February Update

Just a quick update for the start of February. I'm fighting COVID and my day job is pretty busy at the moment, so I've not had much time to work on writing. However, I'm making good progress on editing and laying out the character creation section of the rulebook. I've licensed some appropriate stock art which I'm quite pleased with, as well as started collecting a list of artists that I might approach about some additional paid work specifically for the project.

At the moment, I'm doing an editing pass on the character section, mainly for clarity, pace, spelling, etc. Once I'm happy with all this, I'll upload it for general consumption. This will include all the rules needed to create a character, such as all the random lifepath tables, careers and skills, as well as the rules for forming a Crew (your team) and the basics for character advancement. This is currently sitting at 58 pages.

Once I'm done, I'll get another update out. In the meantime, stay safe and stay frosty!

-- Andy

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